Microsoft Windows 2003 (32 bit) or Microsoft XP Pro (32 bit)
DB2 LUW v8.1 FP 9a or V9 Runtime Client or later
Microsoft IE 6.x or later is required for accessing online help
Microsoft Windows .Net Framework 2.0. If this is not installed, the DBI Admin Console will optionally install this component
Adobe Reader v7 or later is required to view PDF reports
Please consult the product release notes for complete details
New workload metrics
Several new performance metrics have been added to bufferpool, tablespace, and table performance panels:
% Phys Reads = the percentage of physical reads that a bufferpool represents within the workload
% Logical Reads = the percentage of logical reads that a bufferpool represents within the workload
% Direct Reads = the percentage of direct reads that a bufferpool represents within the workload
% Writes = the percentage of writes that a bufferpool represents within the workload
% Memory = the percentage of memory allocated to a given bufferpool across all database bufferpools
% Phys Reads = the percentage of physical reads that a tablespace represents within the workload
% Logical Reads = the percentage of logical reads that a tablespace represents within the workload
% Direct Reads = the percentage of direct reads that a tablespace represents within the workload
% Writes = the percentage of writes that a tablespace represents within the workload
% Space = the percentage of memory that a tablespace represents within the workload
% Rows Read = the percentage of rows read that a table represents within the workload
% Rows Written = the percentage of rows written that a table represents within the workload
% Space = the percentage of space that a table represents within the workload
New OS performance metrics
Several new operating system performance metrics are now being collected and reported on:
% CPU User = Server percent CPU User
% CPU System = Server percent CPU System
% CPU Idle = Server percent CPU Idle
% CPU Waiting = Server percent CPU Waiting
Mem Free (MB) = Server memory free in megabytes
Page Out = Total number of server memory page outs
New Explain metrics
Several new explain metric columns have been added:
% Index FULLKEYCARD cardinality compared to table cardinality. Index FULLKEYCARD should generally be at least 75% of Table Cardinality to be
considered a high quality valuable index. Indexes with a low percentage (less than 10%) are potential candidates for dropping.
% Column cardinality compared to table cardinality. Circumstances vary and exceptions apply, but columns with high cardinality are often better
candidates for inclusion in index definitions.
Date index last used (valid for DB2 v9.7 and later)
Custom autonomic parameters exposed
Autonomic statement collection trigger parameters are now included in the dbievm.cfg file and can be changed to meet customer specific
Improved statement collection status
The statement collection status indicator on the DB Score performance panel has been updated to be clearer. The following statuses will be
F = (forced on) statement performance is always being collected
A = (autonomic on) statement performance is currently being collected autonomically
a = (autonomic off) statement performance is not currently being collected autonomically
N = (never) statement performance is not being collected
X = the database is not currently being monitored so no statement performance is being collected
Improved follow-up flag refresh
After creating or updating a statement follow-up flag the performance display is no longer completely refreshed from the repository. Only the
specific follow-up flag cell is updated.
Eliminated SSH pre-requisite
The requirement to have SSH installed on the monitored database server has been removed. This was particularly an issue within Windows
Non-default DB2 security mechanisms supported
Environments that use non-default DB2 security mechanisms such as AUTHENTICATION CLIENT are now supported. For more information on
DB2 security mechanisms.
Problems fixed:
1055: Feature Transfer Error when this version of the products are uninstalled they ensure that the Programs
Menu shortcut files are removed. As a result, when reinstalling you will no longer get the InstallShield Feature Transfer Error.
1670: Fixed rejection of performance records that had bad DB2 values by normalizing bad values to expected
1675: Improved overall data collector performance and reliability
2043: Eliminated Windows .Net DB2 compatibility issues
2055: Fixed a problem displaying the correct index on the Explain dialog when there are more than one indexes
2060: Fixed a problem with displaying the correct cardinality on the Explain dialog
2067: Fixed OS collection problems due to platform differences
2069: DB Score computation gets numeric overflow when index read efficiency is large
2070: Eliminated timing error loading snapshot performance data
2071: When there is no performance data to display we now default to the current date and time instead of
January 1, 1970