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Most DBAs have probably experienced making a change that subsequently caused performance to unexpectedly degrade. On the flip side, sometimes changes result in much greater performance improvement than anticipated. Rampant fear of bad changes, at all levels of management, is why Change Control procedures exist.

Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) requires that all changes are carefully considered and appropriately tracked. Change Control approvers want to know why a change is being considered, what the anticipated benefits are, and if there are any risks. DBI pureFeat makes this analysis incredibly easy and accurate. With just one mouse click, DBI will show you the predicted consequences of a contemplated change by discovering the impacted workload and showing you before and after costs for each potentially impacted SQL statement.

You will see how many statements improve, how many remain unchanged, and how many, if any, will degrade. Users will also see a summary of BERFORE and AFTER estimated total costs, CPU utilization forecasts, plus elapsed time estimates. One more mouse click will show users all of the details for each SQL statement in the impacting workload, so you can see which statements improve, remain unchanged, or are at risk of likely degradation.

In short, DBI shows you everything you need to present to Change Control management so that you can get performance boosting changes approved with confidence. Please enjoy a short video clip of this industry breakthrough capability:

DBI presented about Predictive Index Impact Analysis at IDUG in 2016 during tech sessions "Sage Advice Part 3: Predictive Index Impact Analysis - Know Before You Create!" If you missed this presentation and would like to learn more, watch a replay of The DB2Night Show Episode #188.

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