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NEW Brother-Owl™ 7.1
Provides a Unique Competitive Advantage, Improving IT
Efficiency, Productivity and Profitability
April 9, 2009 –
Brother-Owl™ is a powerful tool to capture, analyze, and fix Oracle application SQL and indexes.
Release 7.1 adds support for Oracle and 11g as well as HP-UX 11i Itanium.
Many new dynamically computed performance metrics were also added to aid the DBA in rapid,
accurate isolation of costly SQL.
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NEW Brother-Hawk™
Brings New Levels of Controls to Lights-Out Database Performance Management
November 5, 2008 –
Brother-Hawk Version 1.0 for DB2 LUW is a separately licensable add-on component to DBI’s
Brother-Panther® which sends automated, customized, and meaningful alerts based on the
characteristics of real-time and recently collected data.
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Solves the Mysteries
of Database Time
December 4, 2007- What is the average database transaction response time? And, of this time, how much time, and what percent, is spent inside the database and out? Of the inside database time, where does the time go? Is CPU the bottleneck? I/O? How often are service level agreements (SLAs) met?
Brother-Thoroughbred answers all of these difficult questions and more. DBAs and DBA managers can have unprecedented breakthrough insight into database times and the ability to document their performance successes.
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Contact DBI

The highly skilled expert team at DBI is proud to offer the following service solutions –
contact DBI to schedule a database performance assistance: 1-866-773-8789
Emergency Performance Help
Need performance help fast?
The DB2 LUW Performance Experts at DBI will come to your rescue.
In 4 hours or less, DBI will work with you to diagnose performance problems and come up with solutions that will yield immediate, measurable performance improvements. As part of the diagnostic process, a proof of concept of
Brother-Panther will be installed on the database server machine that is experiencing the performance problems. Our team will work with your team remotely via Web screen sharing (DBI prefers and ordinarily uses
www.GoToMeeting.com, but other services can be used).
A DBI performance team member will schedule the date, time, and details of the service.
DBI guarantees measurable performance improvements or your service purchase will be refunded. Service guarantee is contingent on customer's cooperation with implementing DBI recommended solutions. Emergency Tuning service is provided in English.
Get your performance fixed NOW!! Guaranteed!!
Database Performance Classes
DBI will come to your site and teach database performance best practices to your team (from 1 to 200 attendees). Our classes cover methods, metrics, and design techniques that will enable staff to achieve extraordinary performance improvements.
Database Performance Audits
The industry experts at DBI have more than 30 years combined experience at evaluating database health and efficiency, identifying hidden problems, and providing design solutions that yield remarkable, breakthrough, and measurable performance improvements that will ACCELERATE YOUR BUSINESS.
Assessments are typically 1-3 days duration per database depending on customer requirements and scope of discovered inefficiencies and problems.